EPB reporting
Someone who wants to build or renovate cannot just go about their business.
All buildings in Flanders for which an urban planning permit is requested or a notification is made must meet certain energy standards.
These standards are called the EPB requirements . EPB stands for 'Energy Performance and Indoor Climate'
As a person who is required to declare the building, you are responsible for appointing an EPB reporter.
Steps to follow:
The party obliged to declare appoints an EPB reporter , before the start of the works, and preferably already in the preliminary draft.
An EPB preliminary study is made, taking into account the requirements and choices of the customer.
The EPB start declaration is submitted 8 days before the start of the works.
During the works, the client takes sufficient photos and keeps a good record of all invoices.
After the works, the person obliged to declare collects all supporting documents and sends them to the EPB reporter.
The EPB reporter submits the EPB declaration , together with the supporting documents, received via the person obliged to declare, within one year after the works have been completed.
The client will keep this EPB declaration for 10 years, which is also necessary for the eventual sale of the house.
S-level replaces K-level and Net Energy Requirement
The S level, or the shell indicator, includes all energetic qualities of the building shell.
Since only the insulations and their building nodes were considered at the K level, the airtightness and solar gains also have a major influence on the S level. The indicator is also no longer calculated at the building level, but at the level of the EPB unit (house or apartment itself).
S31: S-level influencing factors
The S level to be achieved was set at S31. A strict value, especially for open
Extra attention will be required from the design of a project.
In order to achieve a low S-level, extra attention must be paid to:
Airtightness of the house
Low percentage of glass compared to floor area
Form efficiency of the building (open, semi-open, closed…)
In addition, the degree of insulation, the building nodes, the size and orientation of the windows,
the shading and the presence of thermal mass their influence.
Special techniques – renewable energy
The time when everyone opted for a condensing boiler and a system C as standard is already over
far behind us. The EPB requirements are becoming stricter and stricter, and the client is becoming more and more
more aware of the need to provide energy efficient solutions.
The EPB legislation stipulates that each new housing unit has at least 15 kW/m².year of energy
must generate itself. This can be from one of or a combination of the innovative
Renewable energy - choice of or combination of:
Heat pump
solar water heater
Solar panels
District heating
Biomass as main heating
A heat pump, a solar water heater and solar panels are the most chosen alternatives
methods and ensure that your E-level in well-designed homes is below a certain
level drops that you can even enjoy a discount on your property tax!
Ask your EPB reporter afterwards!