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Bouwverlof vanaf 13.07.2024 t/m 31.07.2024

Companies worth mentioning
Tarieven 1


All photos you see on my site are sites where I have already carried out checks at the request of private customers or the VME (Association of co-owners) for general dparts of the building.

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Company reviews

Every year I highlight a company above that I rate according to the following points
  • Difficulty grade yard
  • Site accessibility
  • Aesthetics of the project and its environment
  • Correct execution of the works
  • Construction site
  • Communication construction team
  • Building knowledge of the team
  • Communication to the customer
  • A correct delivery of the house
  • Acknowledging imperfections of work performed
  • Correctly noting these imperfections
  • Correctly note the difference between comments and deferred works
  • Quickly fix comments and deferred works
  • Correctly apply the penalty clauses in the event of late delivery, even with delayed works
  • Correct application of the Breyne law 
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A project that I did myself

Do you want to know in which color zone a house you want to buy or build is located?  

Look at the link regional plan for colored zones ... and at link color codes regional plan to find out whether it is located in a residential area / rural area / agricultural area etc ....

What is an RUP and BPA?


Special plans for construction (BPAs) are refinements of the regional plan. Spatial Implementation Plans (RUPs) implement the strategic Spatial Structure Plan Antwerp (s-RSA).  


An RUP is a legal document that determines where and how building and renovation may take place in your neighborhood in the future. In which places can homes, businesses, shops, public space and recreation be built? How high and how extensive is it allowed to build? In short, an RUP determines the future of the district. All future developments will be tested against this plan.


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