Why it is best to ask for 'assistance' with the provisional delivery of your new-build apartment
If you buy an apartment off plan, provisional acceptance will take place as soon as it is completed. At that time you can possibly be assisted by a construction expert or, for example, an architect. Why would you do that?
Visible defects
At the time of provisional acceptance, you must report any visible defects in your apartment. If you do not do this, you will be deemed to have accepted the visible defects in question. You cannot then invoke it later. In addition, it will be necessary to check whether the apartment is sufficiently finished to allow provisional acceptance.
As a buyer of such an apartment, you may be a novice in terms of construction technology. It is therefore advisable to employ a construction expert or architect who can assist you during delivery and who can check with you whether or not there are any defects in the building. The expert in question can also help you see the correct entries included in itt official report of provisional acceptance.
Cost price
There are no fixed prices that such experts charge to assist you with the provisional delivery. Then also ask whoever you want to work with what exactly their intervention will cost you. Please note that the cost in question does not outweigh any problems you may have if you do not notice enough issues during the provisional delivery because you do it yourself.
Jan ROODHOOFT, lawyer (www. advocatenroodhooft.be)